Independence Business Machines

Typewriters in Chicago
for sale and repair
also: copiers, calculators, fax machines and printers
typewriter ribbons and supplies for sale
Since 1964, repairing all makes and models of electric and manual typewriters.
We also carry and repair Selectric I, II and III correcting typewriters,
in addition to all IBM Wheelwriter models.


Steve Kazmier, sales and service
1623 W. Montrose Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60613
Open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Saturday 10 p.m. - 1 p.m. 
Sorry, no email. Feel free to call and let me know
           if you found me through this Web site.

From the Chicago Tribune:
"If you have never heard it or if it has been pushed from your brain by the soulless tapping of computer keys, the sound of typewriter keys banging is a beautiful noise.

"There is not a newspaper person of a certain age who does not feel this way. A typewriter's sound is able to evoke the charming chaos that used to exist in newsrooms. It is the sound of effort, of work.

"I heard this sound again in the small storefront shop of a man named Steve Kazmier. The name of his operation is Independent Business Machines."
-- Rick Kogan, Chicago Tribune Magazine, 1999 


Customer feedback:
"This older gentleman has repaired typewriters all his life, is very easy to deal with, enjoys talking to customers, and has even been featured on a local television show. He has repaired two antique Royals for me and has done excellent work. They look completely new. He repairs both manuals and electrics and has ribbons of all sorts. He also speaks Polish and German. Highly recommended."


Royal All-American Typewriter

Olivetti Lettera

IBM Wheelwriter

IBM Seletric

Remington Streamliner

Remington Rand 5

Links and resources on the Web

Antique Typewriter Collecting - comprehensive site about typewriters

Mike Campbell's Antique Typewriter Web Site - impressive personal site

Mr. Typewriter - St. Louis based Web personality

My Typewriter - overwhelming, helpful site

Typewriter Museum - online collection of photos, info and more

ETCetera: Journal of the Early Typewriter Collectors Association

Chuck & Rich's Antique Typewriter Website and Museum

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